My Portfolio

A website built to show some of my life's work and areas of expertise, feel free to download, modify, share the projects and to contact me if necessary.

Hugo Ebert Carl

I am a senior computer engineering student that loves technology and working in various areas of computer science. My skills are in the areas of data science, such as AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Statistics. I also have an interest in areas like cloud computing, algorithms, and problem-solving.


Article to understand how the clustering algorithm DBSCAN works, using RNA sequences of patients with various types of tumor. (Written in pt_BR).

Yelp Heatmap

Project to demonstrate how Apache Spark can be used to manipulate data, with an end goal of generating a heatmap based on the reviews of users.

Comedy is Dead

Study of the comedy genre through the years using graph theory and an API from IMDB to download the movie data automatically and pandas to arrange all the data (Article pt_BR).

Travelling salesman problem

Some solutions to the combinatorial optimization problem called Traveling Salesman Problem. It includes a multi-core, CUDA, and a Quantum Solution with Qiskit. With different algorithm strategies.

Compiler PHP-Python

A PHP compiler made in Python. You can enter your text or file with a PHP code and run it in a Python env or translate it to Assembly instructions.