my Story

My name is Hugo Carl and I am a Computer Engineering student at Insper in São Paulo, Brazil. Ever since I was six years old, I have been interested in computers and electronics. At the age of 13, I assembled my first computer, and at that moment, I knew without a doubt that computers and engineering were my areas of passion.

During my freshman year in college, I learned about the history of computers, always admiring several influential scientists and researchers, as well as the history of technology and how it can change the world that we live in. With that being said and with my experience across college years, I choose my future career and areas to learn more about and meet new people that can come with me on that journey. I believe that only through knowledge we can change the world for the better by creating tools to give people a better way of living. In my search for areas of technology, I came across the idea of a data-driven world so I started to deepen my study in programming languages and tools to understand how things work and the power of data. The understanding of all the processes around digital information really caught my attention. I find it very captivating how we can transform transistors into complex neural networks or in a website or even in an online game. Essentially we are transforming electricity into information, and all the steps in this process interest me. This was my motivation to start developing different projects with a lot of people across my life.

My main interest and experience are in the areas that concern the data science universe, including the low-level such as the hardware to store and process all the data, projecting databases and servers to be able to handle all the necessities, making the solutions more efficient as possible. And in the high-level creating models, to analyze all the data, such as machine learning models and developing platforms, to make the information more accessible.

Today my life’s mission is to create solutions and develop projects that make a difference in the world or in people's life.